Moments and Memories // March Recap


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While I love the early weather in March, I’m rather glad to see this month come to an end. Traveling to a national conference and keeping up with midterms has left me exhausted and a bit insane–sleeping through the rest of this semester sounds like a wonderful way to recuperate. Still, this month was full of countless moments and memories….


Perhaps I’ve watched way too many episodes of Friends this semester, especially because my recent fashion choices have been a bit nostalgic. Returning to the 90’s vibes has be interesting, though. People, as usual, have questioned my decisions to unashamedly be myself. I’ve been tagged as weird, eccentric, and unconventional–words that are true in a sense that differ from their intended roles. The longer I live on my own the more I’m okay with being a little less than normal.

Travel // Convention

I never would have imagined that Sigma Tau Delta’s National Convention would have changed my life. From debates over Shakespeare’s Henry V to celebratory fish ‘n chips at a local Irish pub, my few days in Minneapolis were phenomenal. I even fell in love with presenting on a panel. Now I can hardly wait to attend my next academic convention.


The sophomore slump is real, guys. It’s so extremely real. Still, my spring break was fairly productive. Two Shakespeare plays, a novel, and a collection of Keats managed to find their way onto my “finished” list. I just keep reminding myself that I should be equally productive with finals week approaching at an insane speed.

Life // Creativity

Up until a few months ago, I didn’t realize how much I missed being creative. Lately, I’ve been spending quite a bit more time allowing my creativity to flourish as a stress relief. Anytime I start to reach a point of not being able to focus on school, I pull out my sketchbook and pens.

Life // Spring Break

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Back in the saddle!

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Over spring break, I got back in the saddle after several years of not riding. It made me realize that even though you might choose to follow different dreams at different points in your life, it’s perfectly okay to be passionate about multiple things. When I quit riding horses, I thought it was because I had to completely dedicate myself to literature. Thankfully, I’ve realize that it’s a-okay to enjoy other things, too.

What were your favorite March memories?

What are your thoughts?