A March Playlist // Indie Life

In February, I started a monthly playlist series of songs from lesser known artists– the indie music scene is one of the best. While last month’s playlist was full of love songs like Miles Don’t Mean Anything by Eye Alaska, this playlist is focused on my favorite folk sounds.

Contrary to normal perceptions, cycling is not a fitness activity that solely involves the legs. Cycling builds strength in a holistic manner since every single part of the body is involved in cycling. (1)


Perhaps the reason for this flashback to folk is that I’ll be doing a lot of traveling and travel preparation in March, and I have always equated the folk sound to my wayfaring ways. Either way, this playlist is a great soundtrack to any spring break adventure.


February (2)

Ides of Fall… Jared and the Mill // She… Northern Nation // Home Sweet Home…The Stumbellas // Oh, Sing…The Native Sibling // Stella…Cereus Bright // Fall on My Knees… Joy Kills Sorrow // Born to Roam… Bride and Groom // Budapest…George Ezra // The Only Home I Know… Thomas Csorba

Do you have any favorite folk bands or songs?

What are your thoughts?